Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Reset. Refocus. Restart.

This precious little space has been neglected for far too long - a paltry twenty-eight entries over the last two years.  These last couple of years have been doozies.  So much has happened.  So much has changed.  Life has required that I stay intently focused. And, emotionally there have been challenges, things to wrestle with, a new path to forge and, oh, so much more.
The last couple of years have been monumental and I will regret not having them properly documented.  I may try getting updated in some way, shape, or form but that is not imperative, I suppose.  I shall start where I am at right now.  I will create a vision for this space that is reflective of this stage of my life.

I have now graduated all of my kiddos and all are moving on into the adult world, finding their paths, fulfilling their purposes.  As is necessitated, our relationships have shifted - what is required of me, as mom, is different.  And, I have been left to sort out what is the next step for me.  I now move further into the adult world, finding my path, and further fulfilling my purposes.
I have been busy examining my interests and skills, things that have been developed over the years, and figuring out how they fit my present life.  Many of my interests are revealed within this blog, particularly educational philosophies, creating a lifestyle of learning, managing a household and finances, and living a frugal life so that funds can be directed towards dreams.  These are themes that are recurring throughout this blog and these are ideas that I would like to continue to pursue.  With that, I have decided to separate out the household and financial management from the educational/lifestyle of learning.  

Months ago, I began an Instagram page, A Life Edited and Curated (@alifeeditedandcurated), and will at some point create a related website for it.  The declared purpose of this IG page is, "defining and refining my life: editing that which serves as an impediment to actualizing dreams and highlighting that which is personally valued."  There is a heavy emphasis on editing finances and belongings, managing time and resources so that I can position myself to live the life I desire to live. 

And, this precious, precious space that has been a platform for me to figure out what I believed about learning and how that was translated into the way our family lives, will continue to serve that purpose.  It will allow me to continue to document the happenings of our family.  It will allow me to continue pondering questions related to learning.  It will allow me to distill all that I learned while homeschooling and allow me to present it in a way that might prove helpful to others.  It will allow me to consider deeply the ways in which homeschooling has impacted me and how lessons learned as a homeschooling mom guide me through this next stage of life.  

I'll see you again soon!

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