Saturday, March 18, 2023

2023 Goals

Prior to the arrival of the new year, I, as is my custom, reviewed my goals for the ending year; evaluating what I achieved and what I didn't achieve, what worked and what didn't work. Then I focused on where I want to go, what I need to do to get there, and set new goals accordingly. So, I have written my 2023 goals and have committed to reevaluating them routinely to aid me in staying on track. 

Here is what I came up with...

*Money related goals include: earn ESOP at work, pay for Maceo's Visa or move, pay off kohl's credit card, Herb's credit card and my student loan, strictly adhere to my $150 entertainment budget, review subscription services, and 'use it up' in order to save money.

*Decluttering goals include: purge 100 items per month, reclaim attic, set up a guest space that is readily usable, use it up.

*House related goals: repair front stairs, haul large trash, clean yard, and remove curly tree.

*Other: plan at least one 'adventure' per month (i.e. free cycle bar class, a theta float, use gift certificate for massage, go to Arkansas to see WNMU game, hike, camp, kayak - do it!), reclaim moving like a child (i.e. tiptoe, skip, cartwheel, squirm, dance, etc.), journal, floss, take my vitamins, stretch, strengthen, read, investigate.

I further delineated money related goals by establishing spending parameter (allowed/not allowed).


-all current expenditures are accounted for, although they should be reviewed.

-home and vehicle repairs and maintenance.

-groceries, within the budget; can include supplements, if needed, shop sales; can include toiletries, as needed, shop sales, try to keep it to shampoos and conditioner and, possibly, razors (I believe I have everything else) for myself, can buy any toiletries that Bishop needs, continue using up what I have in storage; can include cleaning supplies, probably only laundry detergent, again shop sales when needed; track HyVee loss leaders; separate my grocery budget and Herb's grocery budget.

-dining out, etc. only as it fits within $150 entertainment budget (or is compensated for in grocery budget).

-travel and adventures within budget or as delineated: (up to $6000) trip to UK to see An Inspector Calls; trip to NM to see Mama, Aunt Linda and Uncle David, and WNMU; trip to IN to see Rex and Stephanie.

-camera repair (up to $300) + case for travel.

-investigative expenses (up to $1000).

-clothing for me as follows: four pairs of leggings, socks, undies, one pair of shoes, $100 extra.

-hip joint membership for Bishop.

-photo printing and glue sticks for journals (need to establish budget), otherwise, use up what I own.

-can renew Ancestry, if using.

-mandolin repair.


-no new hobby supplies/ no acquisitional hobbies.

-no art purchases unless using entertainment or travel budgets, MUST fit into budget.

-no secret santa.

I even spent some time pondering some tools and techniques that could be helpful. Here are some of my ideas: clearly state goals, define boundaries, and review frequently; write out budget, review frequently; track income and expenditures daily; actively track and monitor spending within categories (i.e. gas, groceries, entertainment, travel, investigative, house, vehicle, etc.); get B&T Baklava separated out from rest of spending/earnings; check in with no spend/low spend groups for inspiration/motivation; stay out of stores; create a vision board; track hours worked at NSE.


I need a clean slate, an opportunity to revise. It will provide a sense of relief; I need to be able to breathe. NO REGRETS. DO IT. Make myself proud. Make the kiddos proud. Be a good steward.

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