Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oh, What a Weekend

There are many changes that take place in a family; constant, mostly imperceptible shifts as the family members grow and mature. You can find your family at a different stage of development without realizing it.
But, at times that growth is more palpable. You can sense that your family is at a pivotal moment - a moment that can push the family members to a new level of maturity.
That is what I believe has happened this weekend with my family.
I could look at this weekend as just a full calendar
but I believe that it is more than that. I believe there were opportunities for growth this weekend. And, I believe that my kiddos are growing up.

This weekend, Christian served as an usher at a friends wedding.
There is nothing like having your children's friends get married to emphasize to you that your children are growing up. I am reminded that, in the relatively near future, he too will reach this milestone. I am reminded that we need to be taking this valuable time to insure that he is prepared to be a husband and father, prepared to provide for his family, both physically and spiritually.
Ushering at this wedding provided Christian an opportunity to learn more about social graces and responsibilities. He learned what it takes to get fitted for a suit and how to wear a three-piece suit. He learned what is expected of a member of the wedding party. He learned about shouldering the responsibility of enacting someone else's vision. He learned more about edifyng others while selflessly serving.
Oh, what a weekend!

Bishop has spent this weekend at his first Boy Scout campout.
There is a new level of personal responsibility and accountability, as a Boy Scout.
He and his patrol were responsible for planning their menus and activities.
They are responsible for preparing all meals and cleaning up afterwards and are largely responsible for managing their own time.
He is excited about this opportunity and, upon his return, I am excited to hear what his experiences were and to determine how he has grown and how future growth can be facilitated.
Oh, what a weekend!

Keegan is receiving her car this weekend. She is so excited about this as it has the potential to open up many opportunities for her and Ian. But, as we know, with every privilege comes responsibility. Keegan is now assuming a new level of responsibility, with much to learn.
I pray it will be a blessing for her!
Oh, what a weekend!

Although I rejoice that my children are maturing and embracing new opportunities and responsibilities, it can be difficult for a Mama to have her little ones grow up.
A season of my life is over and I am now entering new seasons.
I mourn the end of one even as I get giddy over the other.
Oh, what a weekend!

Maceo, thankfully, has kept his Mama distracted this weekend by performing in James and the Giant Peach. He has kept me busy and laughing. God bless him!
Oh, what a weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love this... Your family is A M A Z I N G!!! Brook (age 21) was in this production (James and the Giant Peach) too! Beautiful boys we have!
    What a wonderful M O M you are.
