Sunday, October 29, 2017

Lifestyle of Learning 2017 Edition: Volume Thirty-Nine

October 22 -28

Maceo had Rocky Horror Show performances and a cast party.
We discussed the Constitutional Literacy and Personal Management episodes that we watched last week and we watched and discussed this weeks episodes.
Maceo had pre-professional training acting classes.
Maceo and I met a homeless man who was in need of medical care.  We called an ambulance for him and helped him get loaded in the ambulance.  We saw him later in the week.  He said he was feeling much better.
I picked up the glass pieces that Bishop made last Saturday.
Aren't they beautiful?

Maceo attended troupe and teen players.
Maceo attended an advanced improv class.
The boys are always exploring new music.  This week I heard a lot of jazz emanating from their rooms.
Bishop attended science group where we made dry ice bubbles.

So, so cool!

Bishop went to the pottery studio.  He did some glazing and some throwing.

Maceo thoroughly cleaned his room - the closet, every drawer, all of his clothes were laundered.  He was thorough!
Maceo researched plants that will improve the air quality in his room.  We were on our way to the store to look at plants when we found some curbside for free.  He now has two beautiful plants in his room.
Maceo applied for a job.
Bishop worked a bit on his personal management merit badge.
Maceo went to the chiropractor where he learned that his sacroiliac joint was immobile.  An adjustment was in order and definitely helped.
Maceo has developed a morning routine that includes him making his own breakfast.  He researched the proper way to make scrambled eggs and now makes scrambled eggs to perfection.
Maceo is really focusing on the things that he believes he needs to function independently next year and he is making significant progress on his fine motor skills.  I admire him so much!

Maceo ended the week with his second to last performance of Rocky Horror Show and Bishop and I ended it with a little partying with friends.
We made fun and spooky goodies.

We did more science experiments, including the dry ice bubbles again.
This time we tweaked some of the variables to try to make some stronger bubbles; we succeeded.
The boys made a great bonfire.
Then they had a sleepover - an evening with no sleep but a lot of fun!!!

It's been another great week!

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