Monday, April 17, 2023

"Use It Up" Challenge Continued

 I am going to press on with my "Use It Up" Challenge. I am going to attempt to reset my food storage. This was a goal that I had at the beginning of this year and some new developments seem to reinforce that goal. Our grocery budget has now been divided amongst the three of us remaining at home and we are largely preparing our food independently. Herb is eating keto, Bishop has gone largely meat free and sugar free, and that leaves me to my own devices. So, I am digging deep into my food storage, using what I have, and learning what works for me; what foods I prefer and how much time I want to devote to food preparation. I am evaluating what aspects of my meal planning, storage and prep method that I developed while raising the kiddos still applies and what I should let go of. I am purchasing perishables; otherwise, I am crafting meals from what I have on hand.


April 1: B- a breakfast sandwich given to me by a coworker; L- spaghetti, tangerine; D- a very healthy meal of donuts leftover from work. Pantry = 3; Freezer = 1.

April 2: B- breakfast sandwich from Panera; L- leftover hamburger helper, roll, mini tomatoes, chips and salsa; D - huevos rancheros. Pantry= 1; Fridge= 2.

April 3: B- cornflakes; L-leftover brisket, greens and coleslaw; Snack- bran muffin; D- pork stir fry and dumplings. Pantry = 5; Freezer = 3. 

April 4: B- boiled eggs and muffins; L- leftover stir fry; Snack- muffins; D- spaghetti with Italian sausage marinara, broccoli. Pantry = 2; Freezer = 1.

April 5: B- boiled eggs and muffins; L- leftover hamburger helper, greens; D- roast chicken and root vegetables. Freezer = 1.

April 6: B- boiled eggs and muffins; L- potluck at work; D- Texas Roadhouse for Christian's birthday.

April 7: B- leftover steak from Texas Roadhouse and eggs; L/D- Christian's birthday meal of grilled bacon and onion sandwich, grilled veggies, and New York style cheesecake. Pantry = 1; Fridge = 1; Freezer = 2.

April 8: B- cornflakes with blueberries; L- leftover chicken and grilled veggies; D- leftover bacon sandwich and grilled veggies.

April 9: B- cornflakes; L/D- Easter meal of ham, peach chutney, oven roasted asparagus, loaded brussel sprouts, green bean casserole, rolls, cream cheese pie. Pantry = 8; Fridge = 1; Freezer = 1.

April 10: B- cornflakes; L/D- Easter leftovers.

April 11: B- cornflakes; L/D spaghetti and leftover greens. Pantry = 2; Fridge = 2.

April 12: B- boiled eggs, baked cheese crackers; L- leftover spaghetti and greens; Snack- graham crackers with frosting; D- steak, baked potato, banana pudding. Pantry = 3; Fridge = 1; Freezer = 1.

April 13: B- boiled eggs, baked cheese crackers; L- leftover steak and greens; D- leftover steak, egg and biscuits with jam. Pantry = 1; Fridge = 1.

April 14: B- boiled eggs and biscuits; L- leftover ham and greens; Snack- baked cheese crackers; D- macaroni and tomato sauce, grapes. Pantry = 5; Freezer = 2.

April 15: B- cornflakes and scrambled eggs; L- leftover ham and green bean casserole; D- spaghetti at Roxie's and pie day.

April 16: B- panera breakfast sandwich; L- leftover ham and green beans; Snack- leftover banana pudding; D- leftover macaroni and tomato sauce, greens, blueberries. Fridge = 1.

April 17: B- cornflakes, boiled egg; Snack- chocolate covered pretzels; L- leftover macaroni and tomato sauce, greens; D- scrambled eggs with ham, leftover biscuits with the absolute best damson plum jam that has just been languishing in my pantry forevsies, leftover greens.  Pantry = 3 

Total Pantry = 34

Total Fridge = 9

Total Freezer = 12

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