Saturday, April 1, 2023

"Use It Up" Challenge

 From the beginning of the year until now, I have been focusing on preparing meals using what I have on hand. It can be referred to as a pantry challenge but I refer to it as my "Use It Up" Challenge. This is an opportunity to dig deep in my food storage and use up what I have on hand. It encourages me to clean, organize and rotate my food storage and to use those odd bits that somehow make it into my pantry and have been left languishing. And, let me tell you, this challenge has been desperately needed; as is evidenced by the fact that I am STILL challenging myself nearly three months into 2023. Every bit of my food storage space had become a chaotic mess, overcrowded and disorganized, so it was past time to do this "Use It Up" Challenge. Challenges such as this also help me reduce my spending, which is a good thing in helping me reach certain goals. In the past, I have tracked my progress in this challenge by documenting what I served for meals and how many items have been entirely used up from the fridge, freezer, and pantries. This go around I haven't been tracking this information because I would do that on my IG page and have determined not to use that page. However, now that I have revived this blog I can track my progress in this challenge right here. Let's do it!


March 19: B- Panera mac&cheese and smoothie; L- Panera salad and fried chicken thigh, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies; D- Italian sausage and peppers pasta, green beans, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Pantry = 2; Fridge = 1.

March 20: B- Panera sandwich; L- leftover pasta and green beans; D- chili sauce marinated chicken thighs, sauteed cabbage, and blueberry cream cheese filled chimichanga. Pantry = 3; Fridge = 1.

March 21: B- blueberry cream cheese filled chimichanga; L- peanut butter crackers; D- chicken and veggie stir fry, dumplings, apple with caramel dip. Pantry = 5; Fridge = 1.

March 22: B- boiled eggs and toast; snack- apples and caramel dip; L- leftover chili sauce chicken and cabbage; D- leftover corned beef and cabbage. Pantry = 1.

March 23: B- boiled egg, mozzarella sticks, and cheesy crackers; L- leftover corned beef and cabbage; D- steak and green bean casserole. Pantry = 5; Freezer = 1.

March 24: B- boiled egg, mozzarella stick, and toast; L- potluck at work, I brought snickerdoodles; D- leftover steak and green bean casserole.

March 25: B- bagel with cream cheese; L/D- brisket, coleslaw, greens, chimichurri, peanut butter chocolate cheesecake. Freezer = 3

March 26: B- muffins; Snack- chips and salsa; L- leftover corned beef and cabbage; D- leftover brisket and peanut butter cheesecake. Pantry = 1.

March 27: B- charcuterie; Snack- chips and salsa; L/D- tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Pantry= 3; Fridge= 1.

March 28: B- Panera breakfast sandwich; L/D: leftover green bean casserole, hamburger helper. Pantry= 1.

March 29: B- boiled egg, mozzarella stick; L- leftover hamburger helper, leftover green bean casserole; D- 1 1/2 mini pizzas.

March 30: B- boiled egg, mozzarella stick, pumpkin bread; L- leftover hamburger helper, chickpea fritter; D- new hamburger helper, leftover fritter. Pantry = 2; Freezer = 1.

March 31: B- boiled eggs, mozzarella stick; Snack- donuts at work!; L- leftover hamburger helper and fritter; D- 1 1/2 mini pizzas. Pantry = 1; Fridge = 1.

Total Pantry = 24

Total Fridge = 5

Total Freezer = 5

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