Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lifestyle of Learning 2015 Edition: Volume Twenty-Nine

November 8-14

Bishop began his week attending a Patrol Leaders Conference at scouts.  This is a meeting for the patrol leaders and the adult leadership to make troop plans for the upcoming months.  Bishop has really stepped up as a leader introducing new ideas, persisting and defending them.

Maceo has continued with his improvisational acting class.  I have been asked to be a supervisory adult for this class and I am so enjoying watching these actors hone their skills.

Bishop continued his anatomy studies in science group.  The group watched this video on the respiratory system.  We have found that a video is a good way to review the information that was read.
Then the boys made an edible model of the respiratory system and identified the parts and looked at lung tissue samples using the microscope.

Because our history reading for last week was set in England I treated the boys to pasties and British beverages.

And because our history reading for this week was set in France Bishop and I went to a local creperie.  Yum!

For history group we watched this video which is an animated clip of the Chateau de Versailles through the years up to the French revolution.  There is another video clip that I want to show of the palace after the revolution.
The Sun King liked to have big feasts that would include elaborate creations of marzipan so the boys spent some time working with marzipan.

Then we feasted on crepes.  Bishop and I made a horde of crepes and brought fillings and toppings for the kids to make their own.  They were fantastic and really quite easy.  We shall be making them again soon.

Maceo continued with vocal lessons, troupe, and ppt acting classes.  And, because it was musical theatre month for the schools, he saw several musicals at local high schools and universities.  He saw Cabaret and Pippin and Music Man.
He also saw A Midsummer Nights Dream.

Bishop attended his pottery lesson and continued to learn how to longboard.

And Maceo's youth performance troupe performed at a local elementary school hoping to encourage and inspire the students.  It worked!

Bishop finished his week by attending a birthday party/sleepover and we spent time preparing for dad to return,  It looks like it is finally going to happen!

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