Thursday, December 3, 2015

Anticipating Christmas

Thanksgiving has come and gone and now advent is upon us.  This is time of preparation and anticipation; preparing for and anticipating the arrival of Christmas and family and preparing my heart to once again accept God's gifts.  There is so much I need to do and even more that I want to do.  It all requires a bit of forethought, a bit of dreaming, a bit of focus and a bit of work.  (To see what that looked like in the past you can take a gander at past posts Intentions and Savoring).  This is my planning for this year.  It is nothing fancy, just utilitarian.  I will edit it some as I determine some details.  For instance, I know I want to have a family movie night but I don't know what night that will be.  There will be a gathering for the family fantasy football league Super Bowl but I don't know what evening that will be.  There will likely be a troupe party but we haven't been given the date.  So, for now this is what I have.

Every day we will do our advent calendars.  We have two of them this year.  One will be our traditional one with candy in it.  the other will be a prayer advent calendar that Sarah gave us at Thanksgiving.
We will also add to a nativity scene progressively throughout the season adding the wise men as the final touch on Epiphany.

December 1:  begin advent readings and calendar and begin decking the halls  (2009,                  201020112011, 2012) (troupe and improv) 
December 2:  make hot chocolate (science and history groups, callbacks and acting)  
December 3:  continue decking the halls, begin making cookies, and watch The Wiz (cast list, vocal lessons and football)
December 4:  set up hot chocolate bar  (20112012) (pottery and usher Miracle)
December 5:  St. Nicholas Day and decorate front porch  (20112012) (Herb's Christmas gift gets delivered)
December 6:  recognize Hanukkah and 2nd Sunday of Advent  (20102011) (football and youth)
December 7:  decorate tree (2011, 2012,   (acting and scouts and football)
December 8:  (troupe and improv)
December 9:  (science and history groups and acting)
December 10:  (football and Herb returns)
December 11:  (camping trip)
December 12:  (camping trip)
December 13:  St. Lucy's Day and 3rd Sunday of Advent (2011)  (camping trip and football)
December 14:  Boy Scouts Christmas Party (acting and scouts and football)
December 15:  Audition for Christmas Cabaret(troupe) 
December16:  (acting)
December 17:  Family fantasy football playoffs begin
December 18:  Maceo to see opening of Star Wars at IMAX with friends
December 19:  Go see a local production of Beauty and the Beast, lunch with friends, and see Cosmic Christmas dance program (football)
December 20:  4th Sunday of Advent (football and rehearsal for cabaret)
December 21:  Troupe Christmas Cabaret
December 22:  Keegan arrives - family lunch out at Big Whiskeys, go see Star Wars as family, then hang out at Black Sheep (20112012
December 23:  go to art museum to see special exhibit, give new ornaments to kiddos and celebrate our Anniversary  (2011)
December 24:  Christmas Eve - posole, tortillas, chips and salsa; Christmas Eve service at WUMC, make s'mores, watch a Christmas movie and open traditional Christmas Eve gifts and family fantasy football superbowl begins (20112012)
December 25:  Christmas Day, play games and make ornaments (2012)
December 26:  Begin 12 Days of Christmas
December 27:  Family fantasy football superbowl
December 28:
December 29:
December 30:
December 31:  New Years Eve - go see Maceo's first night performance then home for gingerbread house making and games and homemade pizza (2012)
January 1:  New Years Day - black eyed peas and such
January 2:
January 3:
January 4:
January 5:  Bishop's Birthday!!!
January 6:  Epiphany

It should be a fun and glorious and reflective season!!!

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